However, obtaining good results from a convenience store requires effort, planning and organization, after all, the customer needs to be interested in what is being sold so that the store can then sell.
In this article, we will give some tips on how to achieve sales success using a convenience store. Follow along!
Table of Contents
What is a convenience store
Store organization
Trends for convenience stores
Invest in Marketing
You can read the article in sequence or select one of the topics above that you prefer.
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What is a convenience store
As the name suggests, a convenience store is a business that aims to offer convenient products to the consumer. For this reason, in a gas station, it is necessary for the goods to be convenient for the moment and the possible needs of the buyers.
These stores are usually small and located on the premises of the gas station. Their location and size are intentional, mainly aimed at providing fast service in order to benefit those who, for some reason, do not have time to purchase what the store offers elsewhere.
Main objectives
This dynamic of agility is just another reflection of the adaptation of the store to the needs of consumers. For those looking for speed and convenience, being able to solve more than one need in a single stop, the proposal of a convenience store fits perfectly.
Store organization
Not only does it exist, it is necessary for a convenience store to be very well structured and organized, in order to meet demands in the best possible way.
Since the main objective of a convenience store is speed, the less friction between the consumer and the desired merchandise, the greater the chances of a sale. For this reason, organizing the space in accordance with this proposal can bring better results for the store.
There are several processes involved in organizing a convenience store, the most fundamental being:
1. Financial planning
Like any good business, before starting sales at a convenience store, the gas station must have good financial planning. Necessary from the construction of the space to the stocking of goods, the financial planning stage is essential for organizing a gas station.
2. Functional space
Convenience store facilities should favor the consumer not only in terms of products, but also in terms of layout and ease. Items should follow a standard organization, properly labeled and priced, so that with just one glance the consumer can consider making a purchase.
The aisles should have space, and the checkout area should display as much merchandise as possible, increasing the chances of a sale.
3. Automation
Automated systems speed up processes and make them easier. Having a good automated system speeds up processes with customers and facilitates organization for managing the gas station, such as merchandise control and financial control.
Trends for convenience stores
In addition to good organization and planning, convenience stores that want to be successful must also have differentials in their structure, attracting more customers and consequently increasing sales.
This is the time to use creativity and put into action great differentials in the convenience store. Here are some ideas that can serve as motivation:
4. Loyalty plan
For gas stations, having a loyalty plan for customers can be an excellent business. This trend makes customers return to the location to buy more goods, aiming to get something in return.
Aligned with the convenience store, the practice can start with some type of specific merchandise present in the store, or even function as an exchange system, where a quantity of liters is filled to exchange for items inside the store.
5. Autonomy
If there is one practice that is trending in the market, it is undoubtedly customer autonomy. This autonomy is offered by the self-service gas station model, and it can be a practice adopted by convenience stores as well.
Having automation that allows customers to be autonomous is not considered a cheap practice, but the investment makes hiring employees unnecessary and will certainly be a great differentiator for the gas station.
6. Quality products
Without a doubt, having quality products is essential to stand out from the competition. A convenience store that has low-quality products
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