ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Curious to know about products that will make your car look like new, or keep it that way? Come with us!

Why is it important to take care of your car’s appearance?

Not only for the momentary appearance, but keeping your car in good condition is essential for the long-term preservation of the vehicle. When you do not take good care of your car, over time its parts will permanently impoverish the car’s appearance, leaving it with that old car appearance.

When it comes to cleaning cars, it is also important to take care of the inside of the car, because it is not nice to be in a vehicle that smells bad, is dusty, has grease and other substances where you touch it, and other signs of neglect. Keeping the inside of the car well-maintained makes it comfortable for both the driver and the passengers. In addition, the longer the dirt on the inside accumulates, the harder it becomes to clean later.

We will present several products that will help you keep your car looking amazing, both inside and out, giving the impression of a new car and ensuring a very comfortable space for those inside.

Car care and cleaning products

Exterior washing

We have already talked about the correct way to wash a car, but it is interesting to talk about the products that are suitable for washing cars, with different effects and benefits for the car’s bodywork. For washing the outside of cars, it is highly recommended to use an automotive detergent, which is also known as “car shampoo”. Many people may believe that paying more for a car detergent won’t make much difference compared to using a regular detergent, but that’s not quite the case. The main difference between car detergent and kitchen detergent when washing a car is its effect on the car’s bodywork. While regular detergent has components that can damage the vehicle’s bodywork, car detergent is formulated to preserve it. For this reason, when washing the bodywork, choose car detergents. It is also possible to find car soap that already contains wax, which cleans and shines at the same time. Wax To keep your bodywork well preserved, washing it correctly is not enough. It is also necessary to treat the vehicle with wax, as this substance prevents dirt and water from sticking to the car, which makes it difficult to leave permanent stains on the paintwork. If you don’t like, or don’t have time for, the standard procedure of waxing your car, which consists of carefully waxing and then polishing, don’t worry. It is also possible to find waxes in liquid form on the market, which makes the process much easier. With liquid wax, you can either mix it with car detergent and use it all at once, or spray it on and then just polish the car and remove the excess. Although the first option is faster, the latter alternative is the most recommended, and will certainly have a greater effect on the car’s bodywork.


When it comes to aesthetics, it is always very nice to have your car’s tires shining. And to achieve this effect, there is nothing better than a good quality black wax. In addition to providing that immediate shiny effect, black wax forms a protective film that ensures a cleaning effect on the tires for longer. You can choose between liquid black wax and spray black wax, with a certain difference in price, which is explained below. The advantage of spray wax is that it does not get your hands dirty, and its effect lasts longer.


Nobody likes to drive a car with a dirty windshield, full of stains and grease. For proper car cleaning, and also for safety reasons, it is important that all car windows are also very clean, both inside and out. This is because dirty windows can impair the driver’s vision, both forward and in the rearview mirrors. Furthermore, on rainy days, when the window needs to be closed, it is much easier for the windows to fog up if they are dirty. To avoid this type of problem, it is recommended to use a regular window cleaner, which will have a good effect on the car windows. It is also possible to buy this product in tablet form, to mix with the water from the spray bottle; the only disadvantage is that in this case the cleaning only takes place on the outside.


If this is not your case, you have certainly come across car headlights with a yellowish hue, as if they were burnt. This is a common effect that occurs in the material from which headlights are made, and it is most commonly removed by polishing. However, it is possible to minimize this effect with a type of product. It is called “headlight revitalizer”, and it removes the yellowish appearance of the car instantly when applied.


The internal plastics of the vehicle also wear out over time, and need special care. For this, there is nothing better than a good silicone, applied frequently to the plastic parts of the car. Silicone guarantees protection, shine and a good odor for the vehicle. In addition, its application forms a protective layer on plastic components, protecting against dirt, humidity, sunlight, etc.

Product prices

Of course, the price of products varies greatly from place to place and from brand to brand. Therefore, we made an average price of the main products mentioned here, with neither too high nor too low quality, and we will indicate them below (prices from the year 2021):

Car soap with wax (1L): R$ 30.00
Car detergent (1L): R$ 25.00
Liquid wax (500ml): R$ 20.00
Paste wax (200g): R$ 25.00
Pretinho Liquid (500ml): R$ 15.00
Pretinho Spray (400ml): R$ 30.00
Liquid window cleaner (1L): R$ 30.00
Window cleaner tablet (10 units): R$ 12.00
Headlight revitalizer (50 ml): R$ 30.00
Silicone Gel (200ml): R$ 15.00
Liquid Silicone (100ml) R$ 10.00

It is interesting to know that most of these products are usually sold in kits. Therefore, if you are thinking about purchasing more than one car cleaning product, it may be more financially worthwhile to opt for a kit with the products rather than buying them individually.

It is also important to keep in mind that, although the quantities and prices between one product and another are not equivalent, the amount of use of each product is not equivalent either, which explains the variation in prices and quantities of the products listed above.

So, did you like the article? Do you want more information about car care? Talk to ON Petro!


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