ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Properties and Characteristics of Diesel Oil s10

Diesel Oil is a type of fuel derived from petroleum, used on a large scale in Brazil. Its production is divided between Diesel Oil s10 and Diesel Oil s500 (the latter also called regular Diesel). These fuels are different from…

The 7 Main Properties of S500 Diesel Oil

Nowadays, when it comes to Diesel Oil, the information found almost always concerns the newest, S10 Diesel Oil. Here you will also find important information related to S10, but the focus will be especially directed to subjects related to S500…

Select How to save fuel How to save fuel

Whether in cars, trucks, motorcycles or any other vehicle, one of the biggest concerns for drivers is fuel economy. That’s why we’ve put together some essential information for you if you want to save fuel, whether it’s gasoline, diesel or…

Buying diesel oil: how to choose the best distributor

In recent years, the purchase of diesel fuel has increased significantly in Brazil. Due to the increase in demand, fuel prices also tend to increase, and for this reason, most gas stations try to study and quote several distributors thoroughly…

Is it possible to mix Diesel with Gasoline?

There are rumors on the internet saying that it is possible to mix Diesel with Gasoline and even with Ethanol, promising great improvements and several changes to the car engine. It is also possible to find that it is possible…
