ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Gasoline Colors: Know the Difference Between Regular and Premium

Gasoline Colors: Have you ever come across them when refueling? Were you suspicious and wondering what it could be, or if the fuel was really of good quality? If this wasn’t your case, did you know that there are different…

Regular or premium gasoline?

In our article “How much does it cost to open a gas station?” we gave some tips on how a gas station can stand out among so many others. This time we want to give some tips on how it…

Premium Gasoline and Podium Gasoline

Do you know what Premium Gasoline is? And have you heard of Podium Gasoline? In this article, we will explain in detail the characteristics of each of these gasolines, both Podium and Premium, tell you where you can find each…

Gasoline or Alcohol? Which is more worthwhile?

With the excessive fluctuations in fuel prices in Brazil, the question “Gasoline or Alcohol?” is present in the daily lives of drivers who have a flex-fuel vehicle, that is, one that can be fueled with either gasoline or alcohol. Here…

Select How to save fuel How to save fuel

Whether in cars, trucks, motorcycles or any other vehicle, one of the biggest concerns for drivers is fuel economy. That’s why we’ve put together some essential information for you if you want to save fuel, whether it’s gasoline, diesel or…
