ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

In this article, we will go into detail about the colors of fuel pumps at gas stations and explain a little more about the rules determined by law that gas stations must follow in their structure and organization.

Table of Contents

The reason for the colors of fuel pumps

Differences beyond colors

Other precautions with pumps

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Enjoy your reading!

The reason for the colors of fuel pumps

Fraud at gas stations is a more common practice than it seems. In order to minimize this type of activity, new laws that include the regulation of gas stations are frequently mentioned, which undoubtedly brings more security to the consumer when filling up their vehicle.

One of these rules concerns the color of the fuel nozzles, colors that must be specific according to the rule.

How fraud is prevented

Being required to follow the law, it is more difficult for gas stations to instruct attendants to change the nozzles when filling up.

For example: if a customer asks for premium gasoline and there is no specification, it is easy for the attendant to use the regular gasoline nozzle and charge the premium price, and thus the gas station profits from the situation.

In the case of the specification of the nozzles, the chances of fraud are minimized, considering that inspection agencies are constantly checking for fraud at gas stations. If they are not following the regulations, they will be penalized according to consumer protection legislation.

Some gas stations today still have identification labels on the pumps, but it is very important that consumers know the color specifications so that they cannot be deceived by some of these entities.

After all, what are the colors?

The colors of the nozzles on fuel pumps are specific, and must follow the following organization:

For regular gasoline – Orange;

For premium gasoline – Blue;

For premium gasoline – Yellow;

For ethanol – Green;

For regular diesel s500 – Red;

For premium diesel s500 – Black;

For regular diesel s10 – Gray;

For premium diesel s10 – Gray.

With this distinction, it is easier for customers to pay attention when refueling and check if they are receiving the product they paid for.

Differences beyond colors

Some information that is little known by the vast majority is that, in addition to the apparent colors, fuel nozzles have other differences between them, which are even greater. These are due to the distinction between nozzle models, each of which has unique functions. Whether they are more modern or simpler, the fuel nozzle pattern changes the way it works, and some models may be more advantageous than others.

In Brazil, there is a regulation that limits the nozzle models that can be used, and this is because the nozzles used must only be automatic. Even so, variations are still present, acting according to the safety valves and dimensions of the equipment. See some of the possible variations:


Several nozzle models are sold together because they are very similar to each other, and can only be differentiated by their thickness. Although it is a simple distinction at first glance, the correct choice is essential, because the thickness directly influences the fuel flow, which impacts the refueling.


Generally, fuel nozzles that have the letter “B” in their name are the models that are safer. These are models that have automatic disarming, preventing fuel spillage during refueling. In addition, most of them also have a long useful life, being more durable and safer.


Another difference between fuel nozzles concerns the speed of refueling. There are nozzles that have control for up to 3 different speeds, acting according to the vehicle model and the amount of fuel requested.

Two-way nozzles

When it comes to more modern nozzles, there are nozzles on the market with two ways. While one of the outlets is responsible for injecting the fuel, the other acts by sucking the gases emitted during refueling (gases that are harmful to the health of gas station attendants). With this model, professionals can work more safely, not having to leave the location while filling the tank.

Other precautions with pumps

The colors of the fuel pumps, although important, are not the only precautions that must be taken when dealing with this type of equipment. Because they work with toxic and flammable liquids, it is extremely important that all precautions are taken, especially when it comes to the useful life of the equipment.

Leaks, wear and tear, frequency of use, are all determining factors for the emergence of possible problems. For this reason, fuel pumps must be inspected frequently, in order to prevent accidents.

See the main points checked:

Fuel pump colors

Colors relate to the customer’s purchasing safety, but are extremely important all the same. Inspectors check whether the colors of the nozzles correspond to the fuel that is being injected through that hose, following the standard definition explained in the first chapter of this article.

Pump quality

The inspector also looks to identify any type of wear, leaks, corrosion, dents, etc. This inspection concerns the safety of everyone who passes by the environment, and the pumps cannot present any of these defects.


Transparency is also essential. During the inspection, the displays must be acting legitimately, explaining the correct price and quantity of fuel according to the supply.

Locking system

The inspector will check whether the pumps are locking at the correct time, neither before nor after the time shown on the panels. This will ensure that the consumer is receiving the total amount of fuel they paid for.

Do you think these tips can help you avoid fraud at gas stations?

Also read our article on adulterated fuel and learn what to do if you find yourself in this type of situation.

Want to learn more about this subject? Contact ON Petro through our contact page!


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