ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

The main function of lubricating oil is to reduce friction between engine parts. This is necessary because engine components are in constant friction while the vehicle is running, and without adequate lubrication, these parts can suffer great wear and tear and eventually even seize the engine. Lubrication occurs due to the viscosity of the oil, which makes it easier for parts to slide between them, reducing friction.

Reduce temperature

As oil significantly reduces friction between engine parts, there is also a reduction in local temperature. This occurs because constant friction between parts generates heat, increasing the temperature, and if friction decreases, the temperature also drops as a consequence.

Cleaning the engine

Yes! This oil is also responsible for cleaning the car engine. Since the oil is in constant circulation, it eliminates residues generated by combustion, preventing dirt from accumulating and allowing the engine to function better.

Oil has several functions that are truly essential for the proper functioning of the car, and if it is used correctly, changed on time and of good quality, it can significantly increase the useful life of the engine.

About the level of lubricating oil

One of the biggest doubts of those who do not know much about lubricating oil is about the correct oil level. Is driving with oil above the level bad for the engine? What about below?

The truth is that the best level for oil is located at the middle level of the dipstick. This is because if the level is below that indicated on the dipstick, there may be a lack of lubrication, and as a result the engine may suffer damage. However, if the level is above the ideal level, the large amount of oil can increase the pressure in the crankcase, which can lead to leaks and even component breakage.

Another important point to pay attention to is when topping up the oil level. If you notice that the engine oil level is dropping too quickly, it is important to take the vehicle to a repair shop, as there is probably a leak. However, in older cars, it is more common for the oil level to drop after a certain amount of use, which is why it is important to check the level every 10 to 15 days. If the vehicle model is newer, it is still important to check the level, but the frequency in this case may be every month to a month and a half.

It is not so common for the engine oil to drop too much between change intervals. However, this can happen, and it has nothing to do with the brand or type of oil, but rather with the condition of the car’s engine.

What happens if you don’t change the oil?

It is important to mention that the color of the oil is not a strong indication that it needs to be changed. In fact, there is a standard oil change interval, which is 5,000 km for mineral oil and 10,000 km for synthetic oil.

Over time, debris and dirt from the engine accumulate in the oil. Therefore, if the oil is not changed within the specified period, the compound will not perform its function in the same way, which can damage the engine.

In addition, the oil’s viscosity is also relatively lost over time, due to frequent changes in temperature in the engine. Therefore, lubrication is not completely performed, and parts can be damaged over time.

It is not only the mileage that determines the time for the change. Another factor that determines this period is the time the oil has been in the engine. Generally, the first option is the most common for changes, but the second may occur in cases where the car is not used much.

What is the best oil for your car’s engine?

The compositions of this type of oil are divided into: mineral, synthetic, or semi-synthetic. This division is defined based on the compounds present in the oil. In the case of mineral oil, it is an oil that contains more impurities, and consequently has a shorter useful life. The mineral oil refining process does not allow all impurities to be removed, and the amount of sulfur present in this type can damage the engine in the long term.

In the case of synthetic oil, the refining processes are much more elaborate (and consequently more expensive), which allows the properties of the compound to be much better than those of mineral oil.

Semi-synthetic oil ends up being a mixture of mineral and synthetic oil, mainly aimed at lowering the cost per liter and not being a compound that is as harmful to the engine.

In addition, there are oil variations regarding their viscosity. The most common ones have a “W” in their name. To find out the viscosity of your car’s engine oil, you need to check the vehicle’s manual, which will specify the correct model.

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