ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

If the answer to any of these questions is no, don’t worry, we have prepared an exclusive reading for you, where we will answer these and many other questions about one of Brazil’s largest commodities: oil.

What exactly is oil?

Its name comes from the Latin, from the combination of the words Petrus (Stone) + Oleum (Oil) = Petroleum, or, “Stone Oil”. Oil is a highly flammable component and, to the surprise of many, it is not renewable. The compound is formed from the activity of extremophile microorganisms (bacteria that can live without the presence of oxygen) in a type of already decomposed organic matter. In chemical terms, oil is called a hydrocarbon (HC) because it mainly contains carbon and hydrogen molecules. Although it may seem simple at first glance, the composition of oil is much more complex than it seems, mainly because it contains different types of hydrocarbons. However, it is precisely this complexity that makes it so important, because if it were simple and possible to create in a laboratory, there would be no major concerns about its depletion.

According to the ANP (National Petroleum Agency), the chemical composition is proportionally composed as follows:

Carbon → 82%

Hydrogen → 12%

Nitrogen → 4%

Oxygen → 1%

Salts → 0.5%

Metals → 0.5%

“Black Gold,” as Petroleum is also called, has numerous characteristics that differentiate it from other compounds. For example, petroleum is less dense and insoluble in water, has an oiliness similar to cooking oil, is highly viscous and flammable, and has an unmistakable odor. Petroleum, when illustrated, usually appears black in color, however, this is not its only possible color, as it can vary between black, brown, and even colorless.

The Origin of Oil

Black gold, as already mentioned, is a non-renewable fuel, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter accumulated in the so-called Sedimentary Basins, which are spaces where minerals and organic matter accumulate over the course of millions of years. For this reason, oil is considered a non-renewable energy source, since its production would take millions of years to be completed, much longer than the lifetime of any human being.

Even if it took less time for oil to be produced, its formation is even more complex, since it requires that the decomposed organic matter (which can be derived from animal carcasses, for example) be absorbed by rocks capable of performing this procedure, which in turn are surrounded by materials that do not allow the oil to flow. In addition, movements of the Earth’s crust, which occur over time, must store this entire system in a place without the presence of oxygen, for the proper action of microorganisms.

In short, oil is a fuel that cannot be renewed. Its formation occurs mainly from the decomposition of fossils in the Earth’s crust. To generate oil, the fluids from these fossils must be stored in very specific locations in the Earth’s sedimentary basins, undergoing thousands of years of bactericidal action so that the fossil fuel can be produced.

Oil Extraction

Oil can be found at great depths below ground level, and can be extracted in two different ways, by land or by sea. In both cases, the extraction depth varies from 800 to 6,000 meters, and can be carried out on land by so-called “Drilling Rigs”, or at sea by “Drilling Towers”.

In Brazil, most of the oil reserves are found in the sea, in deep and ultra-deep waters. Petrobras, the largest oil extraction company in the country, operates with different types of offshore platforms to enable extraction, namely:

Fixed platform: This is a platform for drilling and producing oil. Its range is low when compared to other platforms, as it reaches depths of up to 300m. This platform acts as a rigid structure, fixed to the seabed.

Self-elevating platform: This is a drilling platform that only reaches a depth of 150m. Its advantage is its self-elevating legs. In the appropriate location, it has a mechanism that makes the legs descend and settle on the seabed.

Semi-submersible platform: This, in turn, is a floating platform, stabilized by columns. It can be either anchored on the seabed or positioned dynamically. This is also a drilling and production platform, but it can reach depths of over 2,000m.

FPSO platform: In addition to being a production platform, it also performs storage and transfer. Its reach reaches a depth of over 2,000m, and it is a floating platform.

Single-column FPSO platform: It has almost the same characteristics as the FPSO, but its hull is cylindrical. It is a drilling, production, storage and transfer platform that reaches depths of over 2,000m.

TLWP platform: Platform solely for production. It reaches depths of up to 1,500m. It is a floating platform anchored to the seabed by steel cables.

Drillship: Drilling platform. It is used to confirm the location of oil. Its movement dynamics are greater than those of other platforms. It reaches depths of over 2,000m and is used for drilling wells. It can be anchored to the seabed or equipped with a dynamic positioning system, which automatically maintains the vessel’s position.

From the extraction platforms, the oil is transported to the refineries by so-called “Survivor Ships”. From there, the oil derivatives, which are so important for Brazil and the world, are produced.

The importance of oil in Brazil and the world

Oil is, if not the largest, one of the largest commodities in the world. Its use is essential wherever it is, and its derivatives are spread all over the globe. To understand the real importance of Oil, here is a list of some of its most important derivatives:

Automotive fuels, such as Gasoline, different types of Diesel Oil and LPG
Fuels for thermoelectric plants.
Aviation fuels
Synthetic rubbers
Industrial lubricants

These are just some of the many petroleum derivatives present in the daily lives of almost everyone on the planet, without which human life would be completely different. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if there were no fuel for cars or planes? And without plastic, what would storage be like? And as if that weren’t enough, many processed foods contain petroleum derivatives in their composition, mainly in the form of dyes or preservatives.

Is there more than one type of oil?

This information is unknown to many people, but the answer is yes. In general, oil is divided into: Light Oil, Medium Oil and Heavy Oil. This differentiation is made based on measurements of the density of the extracted oil, and its difference is given in degrees “API” (American Petroleum Institute), or “American Petroleum Institute”, in honor of a trade association in the United States that deals with oil matters. It was this association that established the method currently used to measure the density of oil. From this, different names are given to the oil, in its different weights, depending on the extraction location.

A slightly better known type of oil is “Brent Oil”, a light oil, which is produced in the European and Asian continents, and is oil in crude form, that is, not yet refined.

There are some other types of oil:

Light Oil: This is oil that has already undergone the refining process, and therefore no longer has impurities, such as metals, in its composition;

Aromatic Oil: Contains a large quantity of hydrocarbons that emit a different smell from the others, hence its name.

Paraffinic Oil and Naphthenic Oil: Correspond to oil when it has a greater quantity of paraffinic hydrocarbons or naphthenic hydrocarbons, respectively. Both names refer to the type of chemical bond between the oil’s compounds.

Dubai Crude: This is a heavier type of oil, derived from the Middle East.

These are some of the many types of oil found around the world. Such diversity is essential for the good production of different oil derivatives, and consequently, essential for the good development of civilization.

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