ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Do you understand how fuel transportation is done? In this article, we will show you all the processes involved in this essential practice for automotive fueling. Come with us!

The complete process

From refineries to distributors

Refineries are the starting point for the fuels that will later reach the tanks of various cars in cities. Refineries are responsible for transporting petroleum derivatives via highways to the various fuel distributors in the country.

This process, in addition to being the longest in this line, is also the one with the highest risk of theft, given that fuel is a high-value commodity and well-targeted by thieves.

From distributors to gas stations

When the refinery finishes transporting the fuel, the distributors become responsible for supplying the gas stations in the cities. Although all distributors are required to follow specific rules, each one stores and transports its fuels in a unique way and with its own organization.

This process is one of the most important, risky and regulated in the entire system, because in addition to working with short deadlines, many distributors may try to defraud the transport, harming the gas stations. For this reason, this entire process must be carried out cautiously, in addition to being well studied by all parties.

There are also specific regulations that must be followed when unloading fuel at the gas stations, which we will discuss later.

From gas stations to consumers

Although this is the process that occurs most frequently in everyday life, it is also the fastest of all, as the consumer only needs to go to a gas station and in a few minutes their vehicle will be filled up.

Although it is the fastest process, it is still complex and risky. The thousands of liters stored at gas stations mean that their sale is meticulously regulated, so that the risks of selling this flammable product are reduced.

Tanks and main precautions


Fuel is transported through tanks, which in turn are transported by trucks to their destinations. This part of the process is also carefully regulated, so that there are no problems and risks are minimized.

Tanks must have elliptical sections and must be lined with steel. Their dimensions vary according to the truck, defined according to the vehicle’s wheelbase; however, the compartments have, on average, a capacity of 5,000 liters.


There are many precautions to be taken during transportation, as the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT) considers various fuels to be hazardous products, meaning they can pose risks to the environment and human health.

For this reason, transportation logistics must be carried out with caution by distributors, seeking to preserve both the environment and human health.


Every distributor must have the Inspection Certificate for the Transportation of Hazardous Products (CIPP) and the Vehicle Inspection Certificate (CIV). Both certificates are issued after a rigorous inspection by the competent bodies, which will only issue them if they consider the transportation to be safe.

In addition, drivers who will be responsible for transporting the cargo must have completed the Hazardous Products Handling and Operation (MOPP) course, qualifying them for various possible situations involving fuels.

You can learn more about the rules by accessing ANTT Resolution No. 3665


All trucks that transport fuel, in addition to having properly structured tanks, must be properly marked with signs indicating the type of product being transported. In addition, the vehicles must have PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to protect the driver in any eventual situation with the cargo.

Illegal fuel transportation

As we mentioned in our article on “How to store fuel correctly”, it is possible for individuals to transport fuel individually if necessary. However, the entire process must be carried out in accordance with the rules.

It is necessary that the transportation be carried out in appropriate containers, which are certified and manufactured exclusively for this purpose. In this case, the regulations vary from state to state and municipality to municipality, but if you go to a gas station near your location, they will probably guide you in the correct way.

There are also those who insist on transporting fuel without following the proper recommendations, which is prohibited by law, according to standard NBR 15.594-1 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). If the rule is not respected, the fine for the gas station can vary between 5 thousand and 5 million reais.

Regulations against illegal transportation seek to prevent accidents, both to the environment and to human beings, after all, the product to be transported is highly flammable and poses a great risk, and in the event of any accident, a gallon of fuel can be an extreme aggravating factor in the situation.

Differentiator in fuel transportation: ON Petro

As we highlighted in the previous topics of this article, logistics in the fuel distribution area is an essential factor for the safety of the cargo and human life. Concerned with this, ON Petro has a specialized team just to set up the transportation logistics, delivering each order quickly, but always prioritizing the safety of everyone.

Our fleet of trucks is highly modern, equipped with the latest technology on the market, including trackers and performance meters to ensure safe deliveries on time.

We have all the necessary certifications to ensure that all of our logistics are in accordance with the established standards, seeking to demonstrate excellence and commitment to regulations. ON Petro is also a proud holder of the Inspection Certificate for the Transportation of Dangerous Products (CIPP) and the Vehicle Inspection Certificate (CIV). In addition to these, certifications from ANP, Ibama and INMETRO are also part of our repertoire.

Finally, each of our drivers is highly qualified with the Hazardous Products Movement and Operation (MOPP) course, making them capable of safely transporting fuels to our various customers.

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