What happens if the engine overheats?
Have you ever come across a parked vehicle with smoke coming out of the engine and fluid leaking from the same place? Has this ever happened to you? Well, it means that the engine has overheated, that is, the water in the engine’s cooling system has become too hot and is no longer able to cool it.
The parts of a car’s engine are in constant friction, which results in high temperatures. To ensure general safety, and also for the proper functioning of the parts, the engine needs to be cooled, and this is what the cooling system is for. In other words, engine overheating means that the engine has reached a temperature that it was not designed to withstand, and this can cause severe damage to the car. Engine overheating can cause damage to the radiator, cylinder head, pistons or even engine components, which can render it unusable. There are several components in a car engine that are designed to prevent overheating, however, when any of them fail, the engine may overheat. Why does the engine overheat? There are several reasons why an engine can overheat, some of them are listed below: Low engine oil level As already mentioned, the parts of a car engine work in constant friction, generating heat and heating the engine. The purpose of engine oil is to make this friction smoother, which consequently reduces the heat generated. Therefore, if the engine oil level is low, the parts will produce more heat, making it easier for the engine to overheat.
Low Coolant Level
Have you ever heard of “Radiator Water” or “Engine Water”? These are just popular names for coolant. Coolant is essential for keeping the temperature of the car engine low, and if there is a lack of this liquid in the engine, it can overheat.
Problem with the fan
When there is some kind of problem with the coolant, or in cases where the engine is too hot and the coolant alone is not enough to cool the engine, the car activates the fan, which is nothing more than a type of engine fan, which will lower the temperature. If the fan is needed at a certain time and is malfunctioning or even not working, the engine may overheat.
Problems with the engine thermostat
The thermostat is the device responsible for measuring the engine temperature. When it detects that it is high, it releases the coolant and, when necessary, activates the fan. If there is a problem with the thermostat, and it identifies a low temperature even if it is high, the engine can easily overheat.
There are other problems that can cause the engine to overheat, but the ones mentioned above are undoubtedly the main ones.
What to do if the engine overheats?
Nowadays, engines manufactured are much better prepared to deal with potential problems than older engines. This means that some of the precautions that drivers should have taken a few years ago are no longer necessary, such as waiting for the engine to warm up a little before moving the car. However, some precautions that are considered more detailed are still necessary, such as taking care to prevent the engine from overheating.
If your car’s engine overheats, the first step is to stop the car as quickly as possible, wherever it is allowed to stop, because if you continue to move it, the engine tends to heat up more, and consequently greater damage will be caused to the system. You can check if the vehicle has entered a state of overheating by noticing the temperature that the thermostat is showing (if it is in the red, it is time to stop the car), paying attention to the signal that the vehicle’s system shows on the dashboard (high temperature indicator, similar to a thermometer) and, in extreme cases, when there is smoke coming out of the vehicle’s hood.
After stopping the car, the driver should try to identify the cause of the overheating. However, for their own safety, they should wait at least 40 minutes to check the vehicle’s engine, since the engine is at a very high temperature, any contact can cause serious injuries. In addition, the water in the cooling system is probably boiling, and if the reservoir cap is opened, this water can cause serious burns.
After taking due care, if the water in the reservoir is really low, the driver should top it up so they can continue their journey (in an emergency, tap water can be used).
If the problem is not with the water level, it is probably in a more complex system, where it is not possible for the driver to intervene momentarily. In this case, if the driver is close to a mechanic’s shop, they should wait until the engine has cooled down completely and then drive the car there. If the driver is far from a mechanic’s shop, a tow truck or support service should be called to the location, thus avoiding further problems with the vehicle’s engine.
How to prevent engine overheating
Many drivers have suffered from engine overheating. However, even if this has not been the case for you, it is important to pay attention to some tips so that this does not happen or does not happen again:
Perform preventive maintenance on your car (Read more by clicking here)
Inspect the coolant level frequently
Add additives, not just water, to the coolant reservoir
Fill the coolant with demineralized water
Pay attention to the car’s thermostat. If it is showing a high temperature and the fan has not yet turned on, this may indicate that it is malfunctioning.
Clean the cooling system. If there is any type of debris in the middle, this may damage the system.
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