In this article, we will answer these and other questions about how fuel is stored correctly and with the appropriate safety measures.
Why is it important to store fuel correctly?
Storing petroleum derivatives is undoubtedly one of the main concerns of gas station managers and distribution companies, both in terms of structure and financially. This is because all fluids are highly flammable and harmful to human health, and if stored incorrectly, it can pose several risks and cause severe damage.
Care with storage should begin as soon as the fuel is unloaded into the tanks of the transport companies, because in addition to harming human health, incorrect storage of fuels also has a disastrous impact on the environment.
Here are some extremely important observations to make before unloading the fuel:
Perform a quality test on each fuel
Require that everyone involved in the process wear PPE
Check the seals on the truck’s inlet and outlet compartments
Check that the truck is positioned correctly
Do not carry cell phones at the time
Keep fire extinguishers nearby
In general terms, the importance of storing fuel correctly ranges from preserving human health and the environment to seeking to preserve the quality and quantity of each fuel. The procedure depends greatly on the situation of each gas station or transport company and the quantity they sell, but it is essential that everyone acts in accordance with the standards, in the safest way possible.
The institutions that regulate the storage and distribution of fuels are divided between ANP (National Petroleum Agency), ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), Conama (National Environmental Council), among others. Below are some of the most well-known standards for fuel storage:
Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids – Criteria and procedures for maintenance service of supply units: ABNT NBR 15428:2006
Requirements necessary for authorization to carry out the retail resale activity of automotive fuels and their regulation: ANP Resolution 41: ANP 41, of 11/06/2013
Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids – Construction and testing of supply units: ABNT NBR 15456:2007
Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids – Stock control procedure for underground fuel storage systems (SASC): ABNT NBR 13787:2013
Guidelines for environmental licensing of gas stations and services and provisions on pollution prevention and control: CONAMA Resolution No. 273: the resolution of 11/29/2000
Penalties related to environmental damage: Law 9.605, of 02/12/1998
How fuel is stored correctly
At gas stations, storage is divided between tanks located above ground and underground tanks:
Above ground tanks
This type of storage is very common among fuel distributors, due to the frequency and quantity of fuel that enters and leaves. Just like in the case of underground tanks, there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of storage. The advantages are divided between the ease of handling the compounds and the reduction in maintenance costs, as this becomes much simpler.
There are also disadvantages, and the main one concerns the space occupied by the tanks on the ground, which need a location with the correct ambient temperature and with the safety measures duly taken.
Underground Tanks
This type of storage is already more common among gas stations, mainly because it saves a lot of space. In this case, the tanks are completely underground, with only connections for the smaller pumps that will fuel the cars.
The great advantage of this type of storage is, without a doubt, the space savings, since the tanks occupy an area that is not usually occupied by other cars. Another great advantage is the reduction in the risk of fire, mainly due to the lack of oxygen underground (where the tanks are located).
The disadvantage is the maintenance and inspection of these tanks, because if any type of leak occurs, it is much more difficult to detect and even more complex to perform maintenance.
In short, the fuel stored both in transport companies and at gas stations is divided between above-ground tanks and underground tanks. However, regardless of the storage method, we emphasize that it must comply with several regulations to avoid major risks.
Is it possible to store fuel at home?
According to Law No. 9,605 of 02/12/1998, storing fuel at home is prohibited. This is because, as already mentioned, the compounds are highly harmful to human health and the environment, and if they are stored incorrectly, the results will almost certainly be tragic.
Although it is highly risky and not permitted by law to store gasoline at home, if your car has run out of fuel, it is possible to transport the compound from a gas station to your car. However, it is necessary that the transport be carried out in appropriate containers, which are certified and manufactured exclusively for this purpose. In this case, the regulations vary from state to state and city to city, but if you go to a distribution station, they will probably guide you in the correct way.
Although the various regulations may seem exhaustive, remember that all this bureaucracy is intended to preserve human health and the environment, and that when it comes to these two things, every precaution is never enough.
Storing fuel safely is the duty of every carrier.
Selling high-quality fuel safely and transporting it quickly and efficiently is ON Petro’s specialty! Find out more about our services by clicking here!
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