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Benefits of washing your car at home

Taking your car to a car wash is usually the first option for many when the car needs cleaning. However, even though it is more laborious and takes longer, washing your car at home has its advantages, and we’ll explain them now:

Saving water

In most car washes, the car is washed with a constant flow of water, and often it doesn’t stop even while the vehicle is being soaped, which results in a huge waste of water. When you choose to wash your car at home, you can choose to clean the outside using a few buckets of water, with which you can return the cleaning object several times and rinse the car at the end of the process.


If you take your car to a car wash for a complete cleaning, there are several possibilities for poor car care, from the care of the seats and carpet to improper movement of your vehicle. If the wash is only external, it is possible for water to get into places where it should not, and the vehicle’s bodywork to be scratched.

When you choose to wash your car at home, you will take due care of the fabrics of your vehicle, and you will also be very careful not to scratch its bodywork. In addition to all this, when you clean it at home, you are careful to ensure that all parts are well cleaned, which may not happen at a car wash, and by the time you realize it, you will probably be far from the place.


In a car wash, it is usually not known what quality the products will be used to clean the vehicle are. Since there is a large flow of cars, the products used are usually of lower quality so that the establishment can increase its profits. If you choose to wash your car at home, you can also choose the products that you will use, both inside and outside of your car, ensuring the best possible cleaning.

Some mistakes when washing your car at home
Washing with detergent

Although some detergents say “neutral” on their packaging, using detergent to clean the outside of the car is not even close to being recommended. Detergent contains components that make the car lose its shine and can even stain the bodywork.

If the cleaning is internal and the objective is to remove stains, such as grease, for example, it is possible to use detergents in this case, although it is not the most recommended.

Scrubbing with a firm sponge

If the car is scrubbed with firm sponges, the dirt that is present will have more difficulty in getting rid of, and will only be rubbed into the bodywork, causing scratches on the car. It is highly recommended that you use microfiber cloths to wash your vehicle.

Circular movements

You have probably noticed scratches on other cars in the shape of a “spider web”, which are caused by circular movements when scrubbing the vehicle. The movements for washing should be in a straight line, to prevent dirt that does not come off immediately from passing over the same spot several times and scratching the car.

Scrubbing before wetting

Even if the product, material and movement are correct, it will be useless if you do not wet the vehicle properly before you start scrubbing it. It is necessary to wet it so that the dust particles come off more easily, also preventing the car’s bodywork from being scratched.

Start washing from the bottom

When you start washing the car from the bottom and then move upwards, the dirt on top will run down and dirty the bottom again, increasing the work, water consumption and washing time.

How to wash your car correctly at home
Wash your car in the shade

If the car is washed in the sun, both the water and the products used for washing can stain the vehicle, which can increase the water consumption to try to remove the stain and in some cases permanently stain the car’s bodywork

Always dry the car after washing

When water stains dry naturally, they give the vehicle a stained and dirty appearance, both on the windows and the bodywork. In addition, if the water dries on the rearview mirrors, the stains will certainly impair the driver’s view.

Internal Cleaning

A vacuum cleaner is necessary to perform a good internal cleaning; different types of nozzles can help you reach tighter and deeper places. Remember to also wash the windshield and other windows with glass cleaner. This prevents fogging when the car is closed and is even safer for the driver.

Use plenty of car perfumes, the so-called “car scent”; a good smell is always very pleasant for everyone who gets in the vehicle and even for yourself.

Wax whenever necessary

Wax gives your car a special shine and also protects the bodywork, preventing it from oxidizing and retaining water on the surface, preventing stains from the sun and other sources. The loss of shine on your vehicle, as well as the retention of water on the surface, will indicate when it is time to wax again. It is extremely important for the beauty of your car that it is always waxed.

Did you find these tips useful? Want to know more tips on how to wash your car in the best way? Contact ON Petro!


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