Proposals about mixing Diesel with Gasoline
Rumors are circulating on the internet about the effectiveness of mixing Diesel with Gasoline in both flex-fuel engines, which support gasoline and ethanol, and those that work exclusively with gasoline. The proposals are that – with just 15 ml of Diesel per liter of gasoline -, in addition to cleaning the injector nozzles and reducing consumption, the car will have better performance due to the increase in the octane level of the mixture. (Read more about octane by clicking here)
So, does mixing Diesel with gasoline bring any improvements to the engine?
Is it possible to mix them?
There is a lot of very important information on the internet. However, when it comes to information, you can never be too careful about the veracity of the information. In this case, experts say that it is not possible to mix Diesel Oil with Gasoline without damaging the vehicle, and that instead of bringing improvements, the result can be very harmful to the car’s engine.
Although they are both fuels, Diesel Oil is completely different from gasoline, which means that its composition is different, its density is different, its components are different and it burns differently.
Engines that run on Diesel are called diesel-cycle engines, while those that run on Gasoline, Ethanol or Gas are Otto cycle engines. The main difference between them is that while an Otto cycle engine needs an initial spark for combustion, a Diesel cycle engine works with heat at the end of compression.
Therefore, even if the Diesel and gasoline are of good quality, and the measures for this type of fueling are taken exactly, there is no way to avoid the harm caused by this mixture.
What are the consequences of mixing Diesel with Gasoline?
Diesel was created with the objective of burning at a lower temperature and pressure than gasoline, however, the fuel with a higher octane rating can withstand higher temperatures without starting to burn than gasoline (and for this reason, the engine must be properly prepared). When mixing Diesel with gasoline, since the temperatures for each operation are different, ideal combustion does not occur, which can harm the engine in several ways.
One of the major negative effects, due to the slower burning of Diesel in engines prepared to work with gasoline, is the greater difficulty the engine will have in working with this “new fuel”, which will worsen consumption, in addition to forming large deposits of dirt inside the engine over time, which will certainly cause damage (often irreparable) to the car’s engineering. In addition to the almost certain mechanical problem, it is also clear that incorrect fuel combustion will emit higher levels of polluting gases into the atmosphere, also harming the environment.
Dicas para manutenção preventiva do motor de caminhão
Para garantir a segurança dos caminhoneiros e dos demais motoristas no trânsito é fundamental que a manutenção do motor esteja em dia. No geral, é bom que seja feita a manutenção preventiva para diversos componentes de todo o caminhão, como os freios, o sistema elétrico, a embreagem, a suspensão, os pneus, a iluminação, etc. Mas aqui nos concentraremos apenas na manutenção preventiva relacionada ao motor. (Você pode ler mais sobre manutenção preventiva clicando aqui).
As principais dicas para a prevenção em motores de caminhões são as seguintes:
Siga o manual
Embora muitos achem bobagem ler o manual de um automóvel, é ali onde você poderá encontrar as informações mais precisas sobre o veículo, incluindo informações e curiosidades que ainda não conhece. Para evitar transitar com dúvidas, procure ler o manual.
Se atente ao nível do óleo
Para nada funcionará o cárter se o motor não possuir óleo suficiente para sua lubrificação. Procure verificar constantemente o nível do óleo do motor, é um processo rápido e que pode evitar grandes problemas.
Abasteça com qualidade
Combustível ruim ou adulterado prejudica fortemente o motor (Leia mais sobre clicando aqui). Certifique-se de sempre que for abastecer o caminhão, estar enchendo o tanque com Diesel de qualidade, em postos certificados e de segurança.
Troca de peças e fluídos
Alguns componentes e fluídos possuem vida útil mais baixa do que outros. Por esse motivo, é necessário que o proprietário do caminhão cuide das datas corretas para substituir componentes e fluídos do motor antes que estes fiquem obsoletos.
Bons exemplos são o próprio óleo do motor e o filtro de combustível, que se não trocados no tempo correto, podem prejudicar o motor do automóvel.
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The biggest problem
Of all of them, the biggest concern for engineers and car experts is the risk of pre-ignition, or as it is also called: knocking. When gasoline and diesel are mixed, the higher temperatures of the diesel system will cause the gasoline to start burning in the compression phase (while the piston is still rising), and this occurs in different positions, which will cause the engine to melt, melting elements such as the cylinder head, pistons, block, among others.
Similar to the case of adding gasoline to a diesel engine, when we do it the other way around, the phenomenon of pre-ignition also occurs, so that particles get stuck in inappropriate places and cause combustion at an inappropriate time. In this way, the combustion that occurs incorrectly will apply a force contrary to the movement of the piston, which will certainly damage it and lead to engine failure.
What should I do if I filled my vehicle with diesel and gasoline?
If you have filled your car with Diesel and Gasoline, it is almost certain that your engine will show signs of damage, some earlier and some later. Therefore, depending on how much you have driven the vehicle, it is possible that some problems have already started to appear. In this case, we recommend that you seek mechanical help to solve the problem, that is, move the car to a mechanic’s shop with the help of a tow truck, because the more you move the vehicle, the more damage will be caused.
You will then need to drain the tank completely and clean several engine components, especially the injector nozzles and pistons, but if possible, we recommend performing a complete cleaning.
If the period was short, there has not yet been time for dirt deposits to form in the engine, but if the engine is not properly cleaned, deposits will form anyway.
With the tank empty and the cleaning properly done, it is time to fill your car with the correct fuel. If your engine runs on diesel, we recommend that you use a good quality diesel so that the engine will work as well as possible even after the inconvenience. If the engine runs on gasoline, we recommend that you fill it with additive gasoline or even Premium Gasoline so that an internal cleaning can also be carried out.
Read more about Premium Gasoline by clicking here!
In short, mixing diesel oil with gasoline is not a good idea and will certainly cause serious damage to the engine of whoever makes this choice. If, for whatever reason, you ended up filling your car with this mixture, it is possible that the damage was minor and there is still time to save the vehicle’s engineering, but it will be necessary to drain the tank completely.
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