ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Gasoline Colors: Know the Difference Between Regular and Premium

Gasoline Colors: Have you ever come across them when refueling? Were you suspicious and wondering what it could be, or if the fuel was really of good quality? If this wasn’t your case, did you know that there are different…

Biodiesel: Everything about this biofuel

Biodiesel is characterized as a biofuel, that is, a fuel of biological origin, produced from organic matter of plant or animal origin. The organic source of Biodiesel makes it a clean and renewable fuel, and its use is proving to…

Properties and Characteristics of Diesel Oil s10

Diesel Oil is a type of fuel derived from petroleum, used on a large scale in Brazil. Its production is divided between Diesel Oil s10 and Diesel Oil s500 (the latter also called regular Diesel). These fuels are different from…

The 7 Main Properties of S500 Diesel Oil

Nowadays, when it comes to Diesel Oil, the information found almost always concerns the newest, S10 Diesel Oil. Here you will also find important information related to S10, but the focus will be especially directed to subjects related to S500…

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

Many readers have a great desire to manage a gas station, whether it is their own brand or a franchise. But this is certainly not an easy task, and will require a lot of planning, strategy development, time and a…
