Many drivers know the basic components of their car’s engine. However, unless they are professionals in the field, it is very difficult for a driver to know all the components of a truck engine, given its complexity and size. In…
When we talk about “Engine Oil”, what we are talking about is the Lubricating Oil of the car engine. This oil is essential in any vehicle, because without it, the parts that rub against each other would not have the…
Regardless of the car brand, it is certain that it will follow a specific model when it is manufactured. Car models are generally divided into: Coupe, Crossover, Sports Car, Hatchback, Jeep, Pickup, Sedan and SUV. In this article, we will…
Electric car technology is already a reality in Brazil and around the world. This highly innovative development aims to completely replace combustion engine cars, in order to overcome the high levels of pollution and the shortage of raw materials for…
Every driver, if not all, knows some of the fluids involved in the operation of their vehicle’s engine, such as fuel, coolant, engine oil and even the water that helps clean the windshield. However, few drivers know what Arla 32…