ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

Would such a practice be possible in Brazil? What are the risks? And what are the advantages? Come with us and we’ll discuss all of this in this article!

How does it work?

The self-service system at gas stations has been in place in some other countries for some time. In the United States, for example, the model has been in operation since 1950. The method’s main change is that it does not require attendants to fill up cars, and the idea is for customers to fill up their cars themselves.

With the correct adaptation of the pumps, to make them easier to use, the new examples have software that restarts the process each time a new service is provided. The process begins when a customer selects the amount of fuel or the amount they want to fill up and ends after payment is completed.

Speaking of payment, this is another process that will also be done exclusively at the pumps. Whether by card or QR code, the operations promise to be simpler and faster. And no more filling up and leaving without paying; the self-service model asks for payment before providing the fuel. Therefore, it is only possible to fill up the desired amount by paying the requested amount.

Advantages of the Self-Service Gas Station

In fact, the self-service model applied to gas stations can bring some advantages, let’s look at some of them:

Reduced expenses

This is undoubtedly the first advantage of self-service stations. The large number of attendants working different shifts represents a high amount of expenses for the station managers. With the new model, the money spent on labor can be used for other purposes, such as modernizing the station’s facilities, and as a result, also increase profits. (See here how to increase profits at a gas station)


Over the years, processes and equipment have been increasingly modernized. Investing in modernization also means investing in ease and speed, and applying this to the practice of refueling – essential in everyday life – is a big step forward in development.

New Jobs

If the country truly adopts self-service gas stations, then a greater amount of service will be required for the entire process. The work ranges from the production of pumps, their transportation, maintenance, etc. Initially, for some time, it will also be necessary to have a professional to help new customers operate the machines, until the system is fully adopted. In addition, the inspection of the station will also need reinforcements, that is, more professionals trained to do so.

Reduction in thefts

Self-service pumps have technology that releases fuel only after payment has been made. This way, and without attendants, there is no way for robbers to steal fuel from the pumps, increasing the security of the location and of the professionals who could previously be held hostage by bandits.

Disadvantages of the self-service gas station

Despite some obvious advantages arising from gas stations with a self-service system, the disadvantages are still present in this model. Let’s look at some of them:

Refueling time

Attendants fill up countless cars every day, and are properly trained to do so. As a result, the refueling time is only as long as necessary, being as efficient as possible. On the other hand, customers who fill up their vehicles by themselves, in addition to not having any practice, would also not undergo any training, increasing the refueling time.

This is one of the most obvious problems that could occur, especially at the beginning of this model.

Unemployed gas station attendants

With the new pumps at self-service gas stations, the work of gas station attendants would no longer be necessary. This way, all professionals who work in this area would be out of work. Although the change would create new jobs, it would certainly leave thousands of people unemployed if it were implemented.

Increased risks

As already mentioned, gas station attendants are previously trained to handle fuel pumps. In addition to being flammable, fuels are toxic and harmful to the environment and human health. In the self-service scenario, where customers will be responsible for handling the fluids, the risks also increase due to the lack of preparation.

Can the price of fuel go down?

One of the proposals of those who are in favor of the self-service gas station model is to reduce the price of fuel. The basis is the claim that, by reducing the cost of on-site workers, gas stations can also reduce the price of petroleum derivatives and still earn more, given that labor costs represent a large portion of the gas station’s expenses.

In fact, fuel prices are always on people’s lips, but this is not a determining factor in the decision to adopt self-service gas stations or not. Those in favor of the measure claim that prices will go down, while those against argue that the reduction will be minimal.

The portion of the population that is against self-service gas stations, in addition to constantly criticizing the possible large number of unemployed people, also claims that the reduction in fuel costs will be minimal, since the value of the workers’ salaries does not even compare to the prices of petroleum derivatives that arrive at the gas station.

Mixed gas stations

A new proposal aims to adhere to mixed gas stations. That is, gas stations that have self-service pumps, but also have other pumps with attendants to operate them. This project, in addition to preventing many gas station attendants from becoming unemployed, will maintain agility at gas stations (perhaps even improving it). It will also provide autonomy to consumers, promote technological advancement and create a greater need for labor.

In short, the proposal for mixed stations presents almost all the benefits of self-service gas stations and largely reduces the disadvantages.

So far, this is the proposal most accepted by the population, or at least the one with the most agreement.

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