ON Petro Blog

ON Petro Blog

In this article, we will present some of the main signs that cars give when they are about to have a problem and detail how you can prepare to deal with them.

Why is it important to “predict” car problems?

Some people prefer to deal with problems only when they happen, on the other hand, when it comes to vehicles, believing that dealing with possible problems before they even happen seems to be the best alternative in many cases, and we will explain why.

Imagine the following situation: You have a trip planned, for which you have saved money and waited a long time for it to happen. On the road, while driving, your vehicle breaks down, and in addition to running a huge risk, you are forced to spend all your savings on a tow truck and a mechanic’s shop. This is a problem that could have been easily solved if you had gone to check that noise your car was making a month ago.

This is just one of the possible situations that could have been avoided if you had paid more attention to the signs of a problem with your car.

In short, many car problems do not happen overnight, but over time. Paying attention and trying to predict the possible problems that your car will present next can, in addition to avoiding frustration, save money, time and, most importantly, avoid unnecessary risks.

Signs of possible problems with your car

Strange noises, difficulty in performing maneuvers that you consider simple, loss of performance, unexpected tremors, are just some of the signs that something is not right with your vehicle. Would you know how to recognize the signs of a problem with your car? Do you know how to recognize these problems?

To avoid being surprised by mechanical problems in your car, check out the signs we have listed and what type of problem each of them may represent:

Spark plugs

Spark plugs are responsible for producing the initial spark for combustion in the engine. If the spark plugs do not work, the engine will not start and the vehicle will stop working. One of the main signs that the spark plugs are going to have a problem is difficulty starting. This may mean that the components of the part are worn, which makes starting difficult and over time it will stop working. If the car is sputtering, it may also be a strong sign that the spark plugs are faulty, or have a lot of accumulated dirt, which will cause the engine to fail to work consistently. Has the car’s fuel consumption suddenly increased? This may also be a sign that the problem is with the spark plugs, because if they are not working properly, the air/fuel mixture will not be formed properly.


A car’s brakes are essential for moving the vehicle. Without brakes, it is impossible to drive the vehicle, which certainly makes it an extremely important component to watch out for signs of possible defects. If the brake pedal is shaking slightly when braking in normal situations, this is undoubtedly a possible sign that the brakes are having problems. When the parts are very worn, the vibration occurs and is transmitted to the pedal, and in the long term, major problems can arise. It is normal for vehicle brakes to whistle from time to time, for a short period of time. If your car is making loud squealing noises every time you step on the brake, it is possible that your brake pads are very worn. Over time, if the pads wear more, the friction can damage the brake discs, impairing braking performance. If the brake pedal is very hard, soft or even lower than usual, it also indicates that the system has a problem. This problem is usually located in the air in the system, which, if it is higher or lower than the expected level, will have negative effects on the pedal.


For non-automatic vehicles, the clutch is essential. If it is showing any problems, the results can cause damage to the gear change or even worse.

One of the main signs of a problem with the clutch is when it is too hard. This means that the clutch cable is under too much tension – too stretched – and is at risk of breaking.

If the clutch pedal is shaking, this is also not a good sign. There are several problems related to excessive shaking of the pedal, but the most common is wear on the clutch system. Another common problem that can cause greater damage is noise in the pedal, which usually indicates that the clutch bearing is worn, and if not replaced, the results can be negative for the entire system.


If the battery stops working, the car will not start. To avoid trouble, it is extremely important to be aware of signs that the battery is malfunctioning. A strong sign that the battery is going to have a problem is difficulty starting the car. If you try to start the car and the car seems to “lose power” before starting as you turn the key, it is possible that the problem is in the battery. Also, if after starting the engine it does not make the same noise as it did a while ago, and shows a loss of power, the battery is probably not recharging properly, and you run the risk of being stranded on the street in some situation.

A good test to do in this case is to ask someone to watch the vehicle’s headlights while you accelerate. If the intensity increases significantly, something is definitely wrong.

What to do if my car is showing some sign

If there are signs of a problem in the car, the first step is to try to identify what the problem is that the sign is indicating. From there, we recommend that you take your vehicle to a mechanic and point out where you believe the problem is.

Just like preventive maintenance (read more by clicking here), it is better to take your car to the garage before the problem actually occurs, rather than wait for it to happen and have your car fail you when you need it most and least expect it.

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